Artwork > Photo Collage with Encaustic

landscape contemporary encaustic photograph
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
54" x 54" x 2"
Abstract contemporary landscape photograph painting mixed-media
Encaustic with photo collage
18" x 24" x 1.5"
Branches nature photography contemporary landscape encaustic painting trees modern art
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
24" x 24" x 1.5"
Abstract modern landscape trees and leaves photographs blue sky encaustic painting
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
24" x 24" x 1.5"
Contemporary abstract landscape photograph painting modern
Encaustic with photo collage
18" x 24" x 1.5"
blue sky and clouds with leaves and tree branches encaustic nature photography
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
18" x 18" x 1.5"
Sunlight sunset abstract photograph of trees leaves and branches encaustic
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
24" x 24" x 1.5"
Abstracted nature photography modern landscape encaustic painting texture
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
18" x 18" x 1.5"
encaustic landscape painting nature photography trees branches leaves
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
24" x 24" x 1.5"
Trees contemporary landscape leaves abstract art photography double-exposure
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
18" x 18" x 1.5"
Abstracted landscape nature photography oil pigment stick and modern contemporary
Encaustic with photo collage, oil
18" x 18" x 1.5"
Contemporary nature photograph mixed-media painting encaustic abstract landscape
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
18" x 18" x 1.5"
For sale! original painting Encaustic and photo collage flowers
Encaustic with photo collage on birch panel
24" x 24" x 1.5"
Encaustic with photo collage nature trees rocks photography mixed-media painting
Encaustic with photo collage double exposure image
36" x 48" x 2"
plants and flowers with black and white photography collage encaustic contemporary
Encaustic, oil pigment and photo collage on birch panel
18" x 18" x 1.5"
contemporary photography flowers botanical photo encaustic texture black and white
Encaustic, oil and photo collage
11.5" x 9.5" framed (8x10" image)
photography and encaustic on acrylic panels mixed-media wall art circles nature
Encaustic with photo collage on acrylic panels
30" x 68" x 2"
Contemporary landscape painting photography trees modern colorful
Encaustic with photo collage
30" x 40" x 2"
Encaustic black and white photography collage
Encaustic and photo collage on birch panel
36" x 48" x 2"
Contemporary flowers with photographic quality close up in black and white encaustic
Photo collage and Encaustic
36" x 48" x 2"
Flowers and plants black and white photography encaustic texture pollinators
Encaustic, oil pigment and photo collage on birch panel
18" x 18" x 1.5"
Photographic encaustic black and white flowers pollinator friendly plants
Encaustic and photo collage on birch panel
24" x 18" x 1/5"
Seed pods soft-focus photography contemporary pollinators bees encaustic collage
Encaustic, oil pigment and photo collage on birch panel
24" x 18" x 1.5"
Photography encaustic soft focus plants flowers bee friendly pollinators
Encaustic and collage on birch panel
36" x 36" x 2"
Encaustic photography and collage plants blue sky blur dreamy
Encaustic and collage on birch panel
From Below
Encaustic and collage on birch panel
Plant photography pollinator friendly blur encaustic dreamy
Encaustic and collaged photograph
24" x 24"
From Within
Encaustic and collage on birch panel
24" x 24"

This is a new body of mixed-media paintings created "from the bee's perspective" using photographs taken of pollinator-friendly plants at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chanhassen, Minnesota. I also take landscape photos with multiple views on film as double-exposure images. I want to show the different perspectives of nature in a visual collage of close-up and faraway in one frame. My goal with these encaustic paintings are for them to be both a painting and a photograph.

The images are photographs printed on tissue paper combined with encaustic (beeswax paint) to raise awareness about the environmental effects on the pollinator population in Minnesota. Encaustic paint is applied molten and creates beautiful texture and translucency.